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10 Ways Trump Destroyed Atlantic City- US next?

In Atlantic City, Trump and his companies made false promises, didn’t pay contractors, and walked away with the profits anyway, as several US media reported.

Very big promises, which went bust – and he ran away from the ruins.

Atlantic City shows Trump is an egomaniac and ruthless money-maker without responsibilities for his investors and the small business people who believe in his promises.

He did not make Atlantic City “the 8th world wonder” (Trump), not “Great Again” (Trump), but reduced it to ruins.  

He made “incredible money” (Trump), but the people involved lost a lot.

Why does he not pay his millions back to the small businesses and the people of Atlantic city now?

If he even could not manage one casino in a small city, how the USA and the Free World?

If he does this to the investors and the people of Atlantic City, why would the American people trust him with the whole country?

Is the U.S. next: big talk, down-the-hill at the very end and then run away?


Donald Trump has supposedly forged his political career on the basis of one important characteristic: his ability to run a profitable business. He promises to “Make America Great Again” with his entrepreneurial prowess, especially his “success” with Atlantic City. However, the Democrats have made a strong point against him:

The bankrupt casinos in Atlantic City and poorly-faring Trump Taj Mahal reveal another shocking story – Trump is concerned with his own profits, and doesn’t really care if his business goes bust. All that matters for him is that he can get walk away with as much money as possible.

The New York Times reported June 11, 2016: ” “Atlantic City fueled a lot of growth for me,” Mr. Trump said in an interview in May, summing up his 25-year history here. “The money I took out of there was incredible.” Mr. Trump did well. The newspaper concluded: “He put up little of his own money, shifted personal debts to the casinos and collected millions of dollars in salary, bonuses and other payments. The burden of his failures fell on investors and others who had bet on his business acumen.”

Beth Rosser of West Chester, Pa., whose father launched Triad Buiding Specialties, has quite a sharp opinion about Trump, “Trump crawled his way to the top on the back of little guys, one of them being my father. He had no regard for thousands of men and women who worked on those projects. He says he’ll make America great again, but his past shows the complete opposite of that.” Trump may be good at making money, but only for himself. As his business history shows, he knows exactly when to leave a project before it fails miserably, walking away with his amassed wealth.


Image credit: DonkeyHotey/ flickr