Now the No 1 fire woman to stop the fire of populism in Germany and Europe, after Trump

She will do it again:

Mutti (Mother) Angela Merkel will run for her fourth term as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany in the elections in September 2017.

She is now the No 1 fire woman to stop the fire of populism in Germany and Europe, after Trump, as well as a red-left-green coalition in Berlin.

She seems alternativlos (no alternatives) for her Christian Democratic Party (CDU) and maybe even for the stability in Germany and Europe in times of populism at the doors of the White House, France and other European countries.

Angela Merkel was sworn in as Chancellor on November 22, 2005. She is the first woman and the first East German to hold this office.

  • Mrs Merkel’s poll ratings have slipped since the height of her popularity but she retains wide support. She is being challenged by the populist right-wing “Alternative for Germany” party (AfD), mainly after inviting more than one million refugees in Germany in 2015 and billions of German credits for the support of broken Greece and the euro currency before.
  • She told that her decision to run for a fourth term had been “anything but trivial after 11 years in office”.

  • “This election will be difficult like no other before it.”
  • “We will be grappling with challenges from all sides, from the right as never before and from a strong polarization of our society.”
Photos by Presse-und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Berlin