Promoting Tolerance and Peace in 11 Countries

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In times that are dominated by war and the terror of the ISIS, a million people are on their way to Europe. The Globalo Youth Peacemaker Tour promotes respect, tolerance, and peace between all religions and ethnic groups of the Middle East. As a beacon of hope, we hope to support social and economic development in the region.

It is our goal to prove that the people of the Middle East can indeed live together in peace, irrespective of what their believes happen to be or which ethnic group they belong to. We are searching for the roots of tolerance and respect in all cultures and religions of the countries we travel, whether it be Christianity, Judaism, or Islam.

Our focus lies on the young generation, which is bringing forth so many without hope for the future and full of doubt. It is this  generation that is now turing its back on the hopelessness at home and fleeing abroad.

Our journey began in September in Turkey and will last several months. We wil travel to Georgia, Armenia, Iran, the UAE, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and finally arrive in the holy city of Jerusalem.

Along the way we will give a voice to the people we meet by sharing their views in videos, articles, and pictures.

Most residents of the Middle East are peace-loving people who are manly concerned with the struggles of their daily lives, always hoping that children might one day see a more secure future.

Terrorist Organizations like the Islamic State want to make us believe that all people in the region share their believes. They want to drive a wedge between different groups in society, even and especially in the West, where misinformation and the lack off education drives many into the hands of radicals.

For the sake of democracy we have to fight back now!

This, precisely, is our goal!

Project Peacemaker is solely financed through private donations and a select group of sponsors.

Please support the Globalo Youth Peacemaker Tour via STARTNEXT with a small contribution of USD 5 or 10!