GLOBALO CLIP: Drama in Iraq

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Simon Jacob reporting with the GLOBALO Youth Peacemaker Tour 2015/2016 from Shingal in Iraq.

I had to finish this report.

I could not sleep any longer.

I thank all contributors for their support here in Iraq.
Especially Yasser Kasim Khalaf , Haydar and his courageous comrades of the Yezidi combat units, who surrounded by ISIS valiantly defended themselves.And who did win.
Gabriel, the Christian from Sinjar who has lost everything and accompanied me all the time.
Ronny, my cameraman who was not afraid to take the shots with me.

Let the world know this drama in the year 2015.
Please share this video with your friends- get involved!

Here you can support this Project GLOBALO Youth Peacemaker Tour with your small donation, so we can continue our work:
Simon Jacob – Projekt: Peacemaker 2015
IBAN: DE11 7205 0000 0001 5506 31
Konto: 1550631 BLZ: 72050000
Bank: Stadtsparkasse Augsburg, Germany