Won New Jersey, South Dakota and New Mexico- California next

Hillary Clinton made it- she reached enough delegates to be nominated by the Democratic party for the presidential elections in November, if the super delegates support her. But most will.
“Thanks to you, we’ve reached a milestone,” she told  in New York.

  • Clinton won the Democratic primary in New Jersey, as well as South Dakota and New Mexico
  • Next could be California. By 2:30 a.m. ET, she had a lead of 400,000 votes there which has 475 delegates.
  • Her rival Bernie Sanders found victory in the Montana and North Dakota. He still wants to continue his fight.
  • She now has 2497 delegates (Sanders 1663)- needed are 2383.
  • Without the many delegates from California, Hillary Clinton would need the support of the Super-delegates for her nomination.

Who are these super-delegates? They are are party elders and establishment figures like governors, who have pledged support for Hillary. It is only with these votes that she secures the nomination. Without counting these delegates, Clinton is still in the lead, but she falls short of the required number of delegates to win the nomination outright.

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The Super-delegates do not vote until the convention, and that has not happened yet. They are not obliged to vote for the person who they have been supporting so far, and in 2008, most of the Super-delegates started out supporting Hillary, but switched to supporting Obama after Super Tuesday.


Bernie Sanders uses this slim possibility as his sole argument. Now Bernie is a great guy, but he really is hanging on by the coat tails, and acting like that jerk in philosophy class that refuses to let up because to him a 0.00001% chance is still a chance. Bernie has vowed to contest the convention, and you have to admire his fighting spirit. He will fight the establishment tooth and nail,and it would be shameful to give up now, since this current scenario would mean that he was beaten by none other than the establishment itself.

How the Sausage is Made

This election has proven to be extremely entertaining, and absolutely polarizing. If Hillary wins this way, there is certainly some good to come from this: people finally understand what a Super-delegate is. The best thing to come out of this election, is that the curtain has been lifted, and the American people have had a glimpse of what lies beneath, the churning machine behind the political establishment. We have learned names like Debbie Wasserman Schutz, someone unknown at the time, but now is thrust into the limelight. We have learned how the parties truly work, and how elections are won and lost. And for that we have Bernie and Donald to thank.

Where’s Our Change?

Every election, something happens that drives the public mad, and causes an outcry, and then, like clockwork, four years later nothing has changed. Perhaps this election will be different because both parties were affected. The Donald snagged the election from the traditional base of the Republican Party, and the Democratic Party is in the midst of a Civil War. Maybe this is the year for action. Who will bring this action? Maybe Hillary will change things.

Not according to President Obama. We tend to forget that in 2008, President Obama was in a battle against Hillary Clinton, so we must go back to the archives and dig up something. In fat, when Obama was campaigning for the South Carolina Primary, he aired a radio ad about Hillary:

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This is a great reminder of what Hillary stands for. The Obama campaign said “Hillary Clinton, she’ll say anything and change nothing”.

So is the campaign over? No. Its not over because Bernie Sanders is an idealist and is uncompromising. He will never give up, because giving up would mean giving in to the establishment that clearly has it out for him.
We will find out tonight when the results from California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and the Dakotas cast their ballots. The result may put Clinton above the magic number of 2,383, whcih would render this entire debate moot.


Good luck to both candidates.


Image: Twitter.com