Take out terrorists abroad- Keep America safe- stay true to American values

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Following Republican criticism regarding his handling of the San Bernadino attacks, President Obama held a speech at the National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC), to make clear that America was prepared, and ready to keep its citizens safe.

1. The President made clear, that US counter-terrorism efforts had greatly improved since 9/11.

2. At this moment there is no specific information regarding a possible attack on the US.

3. There is a new phase of terrorism. Lone wolfs, like the San Bernadino attackers are harder to detect.

5. There are three main fronts in the fight against terror:

– go after ISIL in Syria and Iraq. Push them back and take out their leaders. At the same time make sure that diplomats and soldiers in the field overseas are safe.

– Keep the homeland safe. Prevent terrorist from entering the US. Additional security measures have been implemented. Every refugee coming to the US will have to through extensive screening, sometimes this takes up to two years. Work to thwart terrorism threats at home. This includes inter agency collaboration and consultation with the private sector on cyber. Counter ISIS propaganda and recruitment.

– Enlist the American people in the fight. “Staying united as one american family”. Prevent the American way of life from getting undermined by fear. Winning means staying true to American values.

The president closed by ensuring Americas that during the holidays “dedicated patriots are working around the clock to protect us all.”