But is it too little too late?

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The Detroit Republican debate saw another low point in debate culture when Donald Trump felt it necessary to defend the size of his penis on national television. 

Marco Rubio had attacked Donald Trump last week for having small hands, insinuating that this was an indicator of the size of his member. It was a trap well laid, and Donald Trump walked right into it. In a historic first Donald Trump used the big stage of a Republican presidential debate to talk about his genitalia. It is sad that it has come to this, but maybe it was a crass moment like this that was needed to show to the American people just how petty and self-centered Trump really is.

And the beating went on:

Marco Rubio attacked Trump on his shady business dealing at Trump University, wich is the defendant in three lawsuits.

He is right in calling Trump University a “fake school.” According to then-New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman: “We started looking at Trump University and discovered that it was a classic bait-and-switch scheme. It was a scam, starting with the fact that it was not a university.”

Ted Cruz hit Trump for giving at least ten donations to Hillary Clinton, many of them for her 2008 presidential race. With Clinton being one of the most despised people among Republican voters, the attack is sure to al least show some effect.

The secret winner of the debate was Ohio GovernorJohn Kaisch who continued to keep his cool and stressed his record in office, balancing the state’s budget. The upcoming primaries on March 15th favor Kasich. Not only could he win his home state of Ohio, he could also grab Michigan, which would make him the most likely establishment candidate to clinch the nomination – especially if Rubio loses in his own home state of Florida.

Too little to late?

Finally Republicans have given up on the foolish notion that Trump will self destruct before he becomes the Republican nominee. After Mitt Romney had declare open season on Trump, Fox News and the other candidates followed suit. If they had started bringing up his personal and business failings sooner, Trump would long be out of the race. But now, time is running out and it might well be too late to stop him.