He still needs 979 more to be nominated

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How did the Republicans fare on Super Tuesday?

On Super Tuesday, 11 states hold elections on the same day and hundreds of delegates are up for grabs. This day is all about winning delegates, who vote for a candidate at the party conventions in July. The totals include the delegates won per state. Thirteen states and one territory participated in the big day’s voting: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming, and American Samoa.

595 Republican delegates were up for grabs. Donald Trump was heavily favored to win most of the participating states, except for Texas (the home state of Ted Cruz). When the night began, Donald Trump was up by a wide margin in the race to become the Republican nominee. Trump had secured 82 delegates, more than four times his nearest rival, before Tuesday.

Here are the Republican results for Super Tuesday:

As per CNN’s estimated delegates awarded on Super Tuesday.

Donald Trump 7  279
Ted Cruz 2 193
Marco Rubio 1 97
John Kasich 27
Ben Carson 2

Overall Republican results 

Donald Trump 10 361
Ted Cruz 3 201
Marco Rubio 1 113
John Kasich 33
Ben Carson 7


Primary or caucus: Primary
Voting hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central)
Delegates at stake: 50
Result: Donald Trump winner
Trump 43.3%, Cruz 21.1%, Rubio 18.9%, Carson 10.2%, Kasich 4.4% (Fox News: 100% reporting)


Voting hours: 11 a.m. to midnight Eastern (7 a.m. to 8 p.m. AKST)
Delegates at stake: 28
Result: Cruz 35.5%, Trump 32.7%, Rubio 16.8% (CNN: 43% reporting)


Primary or caucus: Primary
Voting hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central)
Delegates at stake: 40
Result: Donald Trump winner
Trump 32.6%, Cruz 30.3% Rubio 25.2%, Carson 5.7%, Kasich 3.8% (Fox News: 100% reporting)


Primary or caucus: Primary
Voting hours: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern
Delegates at stake: 76
Result: Donald Trump winner
Trump 38.9%, Rubio 24.3%, Cruz 23.7%, Carson 6.2%, Kasich 5.5% (Fox News: 91% reporting)


Primary or caucus: Primary
Voting hours: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern
Delegates at stake: 42
Result: Donald Trump winner
Trump 49%, Kasich 18.1%, Rubio 18%, Cruz 9.6%, Carson 2.6% (Fox News: 100% reporting)


Primary or caucus: Caucus
Voting hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central)
Delegates at stake: 38
Result: Marco Rubio winner
Rubio 36.8%, Cruz 28.9%, Trump 21.2%, Carson 7.2%, Kasich 5.8% (Fox News: 100% reporting)


Primary or caucus: Primary
Voting hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central)
Delegates at stake: 43
Result: Ted Cruz winner
Cruz 34.4%, Trump 28.3%, Rubio 26%, Carson 6.2%, Kasich 3.6% (Fox News: 100% reporting)


Primary or caucus: Primary
Voting hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central)
Delegates at stake: 58
Result: Donald Trump winner
Trump 39%, Cruz 24.7%, Rubio 21.1%, Carson 7.6%, Kasich 5.3% (Fox News: 100% reporting)


Primary or caucus: Primary
Voting hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central)
Delegates at stake: 155
Result: Ted Cruz winner
Cruz 43.7%, Trump 26.9%, Rubio 17.5%, Kasich 4.2%, Carson 4.1% (FOX News: 100% reporting)


Primary or caucus: Primary
Voting hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central)
Delegates at stake: 16
Result: Donald Trump winner
Trump 32.6%, Kasich 30.7%, Rubio 19.3% (CNN: 87% reporting)


Primary or caucus: Primary
Voting hours: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern
Delegates at stake: 49
Result: Donald Trump winner
Trump 34.7%, Rubio 31.9%, Cruz 16.9%, Kasich 9.4%, Carson 5.9% (Fox News: 99% reporting)


Trump, +186 delegates: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia

Ted Cruz, +125 delegates: Oklahoma, Texas

Rubio, +62 delegates: Minnesota

Republican Donald Trump swept through the South on Super Tuesday claiming victory in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, and Tennessee. Seconds after polls closed in Georgia, a buoyant Trump wrote on Twitter, “Thank you Georgia!”

Ted Cruz won his home state of Texas, as well as neighboring Oklahoma. For Rubio, the night spun into a nasty disappointment. With an eye on Florida’s March 15 primary, Rubio has vowed to try to “unmask the true nature of the front-runner in this race.” Overall Trump leads with 182 delegates. Rubio has 28, Cruz has 22, John Kasich has six and Ben Carson has five. It takes 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination for president.

Trump showcased dominance with wins in at least six states.

What happened on Super Tuesday?

Even though he lost Texas, Donald Trump was the clear winner for the Republican Party on Tuesday, ending the day as the unrivaled favorite for the nomination. On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton strengthened her momentum, helped in part by a sweep of Southern states with large black voting populations.

Interestingly, a Wall Street Journal/ NBC News Poll claimed that Ted Cruz was likely to gain more votes than Donald Trump, which had many people believe that the elections could indeed turn out differently. However,Trump always seemed like the possible winner, as per all the predictions before the elections. According to a professional political gambler Paul Krishnamurty, “all the money” was on Donald Trump winning the elections with substantially higher votes than his counterparts.

As can be seen in the election results, America has again chosen the candidate who was always the seemingly popular choice. Super Tuesday has not brought many surprises.