An inspiring story of those who sacrifice everything for their country

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When I watch videos like these I am overcome with pride in being an American. The American spirit is one that never gives up. Never surrenders to struggle. When faced with challenges, we look head on and tackle that challenge because we can. Sergeant First Class Cory Remsburg is the embodiment of that spirit. A veteran of Afghanistan, he served 10 tours,, which in my mind is far and above the call of duty. He is an American hero. On his 10th tour, he was hit by an IED roadside bomb, and suffered catastrophic injuries. After years of surgery, many people would have given up, but not Cory. He is filled with a fire and passion to take on the challenges that the world throws at  him, and his passion led him to the Oval Office this year, for a meeting with President Obama. Look at what he has endured, and his words really stick with you: “let’s see what else I can do”.