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Why His Trumpism is the 2nd American Revolution

The Prince of Darkness tells what Trump's team really wants to change

Steve Bannon is a kind of Dr Strangelove or Prince of Darkness in the Trump team, the most influential man behind the president of the United States, his mastermind and spin-doctor.

The former investment banker from Goldman Sachs and later boss of the ultral-conservative Breitbart News is now his senior advisor in the White House.

He looks weird. With a melancholic view. Unshared like a homeless in front of Trump Tower. Overweighted too. Dressed in simple cloths. With no style.

Inside him is a lot of imagination. A steel of hate about the establishment. Sharp words to attack everybody who is seen as an enemy; he has many. The will of a revolutionary to change America, now, rapid, forever, radical, no matter what.

He is Mr Trumpism.
He has many ideas.

He has the power and the guts to implement his ideas for America – a conservative anti-liberal contra-revolution.

If you love or hate him, he did an excellent job to push Donald Trump and his world vision for America in the 21st century into the White House. With him in the team joining in August Trump won against all odds.

In an interview with Hollywood Reporter November 18, 2016, he explained the ideology and vision for the Trump Presidency, a new Republican party and political movement, and a nationalistic and ultra-conservative America, dominated by populism, isolationism and nationalism.

He is not heading to conserve traditional America, but promoting a second American revolution after the Founding Fathers and first president George Washington.

Here his own words: