Researchers found this little squid that looks like a toy!

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At 3000 feet deep, researchers found an adorable little sea creature near California that looks like a child’s toy.

Scientists on the ocean exploration vessel E/V Nautilus shot the video of it using a “remotely-operated submersible.”

What is this little squid with big eyes?

  • Rossia Pacifica, also known as the “stubby squid,” lives in the northern Pacific Ocean, anywhere from Japan to California.
  • In addition to its “googly eyes,” it has 8 arms coming from its head, plus 2 tentacles, and it can shoot black ink.
  • Not counting their tentacles, they can grow to up to 4 inches, making it a very small little sea creature.
  • They eat mostly shrimp, but also sometimes small crabs and fish.
  • They are cephalopods, which means they are closely related to the cuttlefish, octopus, and different types of squid known for being very intelligent for invertebrates.

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