For a third time, he has criticized “Saturday Night Live” (SNL) for their "totally biased" portrayal of him

It’s getting to be his habit. For a third time, Trump has criticized “Saturday Night Live” (SNL) for their “totally biased” portrayal of him.

Perhaps he should just change the TV channel and or switch off.
Better focus on his training as president of the United States of America or finding his new team members. 
Or maybe reading secret papers to understand the world better.
But Twitter-Trump is fixed on himself and his image on TV.
President-elect Donald Trump has once again expressed dismay over Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of him on SNL.

Following this weekend’s episode, Trump quickly blasted the show as “unwatchable,” “totally biased” and “not funny” ― while saying Baldwin’s impersonation “just can’t get any worse”. And of course finished it off with his classic – “sad”.

Baldwin was quick to retort:

This week’s skit had the Trump character retweeting random people, including a high school student, during what should have been an important security briefing. “There is a reason actually that Donald tweets so much,” said Kate McKinnon, who was playing Trump campaign manager and top aide Kellyanne Conway. “He does it to distract the media from his business conflicts and all the very scary people in his Cabinet.” To which Baldwin-as-Trump replied: “Actually, that’s not why I do it. I do it because my brain is bad.” Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon even made an appearance, as the Grim Reaper.

In November, Trump petulantly dubbed the show “totally one-sided” and “biased.” The previous month he said it was “boring and unfunny” and called for it to be scrapped ― conveniently forgetting the time when he hosted the show in the previous November. Watch the clip here:

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