The pro-peace American-Iranian Lobby Group NIAC has come out with an open letter to all of the candidates in the race for the US presidency, urging them to stop the hostile rhetoric and instead explain how they will build on the momentum for peace between the US and Iran.

Referring to Mrs Clinton’s statements on Iran in the recent presidential debate, the group makes the case that “the American people do not want more war”, adding that the “success of the Iran negotiations” demonstrate why diplomacy is the best foreign policy tool at the President’s disposal.

Clinton’s statement had caused some controversy after she had named both Republicans and Iranians in the same answer to the question, “who are the enemies you are most proud of?”

In a twist that will likely not find its way into the debate on the appropriateness of Mrs Clintons remarks, NIAC takes issue with the candidate’s mentioning of Iran and the negative attitude most Americans show towards the country:

“It should have been a wake up call for all of us when Hillary Clinton said “the Iranians” are among the enemies she is most proud of at this week’s Democratic Presidential debate.

Yes, the U.S. and Iran defied decades of hostility to forge a historic nuclear agreement. Yes, there are now incredible possibilities to finally break with the hostility of the old and start a new chapter with Iran in which we resolve our challenges through constructive engagement.

But we haven’t turned the page just yet.

Many of our politicians are still behind the curve, and we need to change that.”

You can read the full letter here.

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